Starting High School
Brightwaters Christian College
As your child takes that leap from Primary School to High School, there will be many firsts and unknowns. For some families, this will be your first child stepping into that unknown. Your first born is progressing further along their learning journey and this can be daunting. For others, this will be the first step for your next child, but you have seen the process of starting High School before. Whichever step you’re taking, we want to partner with you in making this journey one to be anticipated with excitement and joy rather than fear and uncertainty.
In our High School, you’ll see consistency of teaching strategies, well managed lessons and highly engaged students. The students here are overwhelmingly positive and kind and our teachers continually encourage students to achieve their personal best.
Our school is a great place to complete High School studies, with teachers and students who work together to create a kind, generous and respectful learning environment.

Our High School offers:
- High-impact teaching that achieves academic results
- Access to shared lessons and resources from ACC teachers across Australia
- Small classes, but with a capacity to offer a surprisingly broad range of subjects
- Learning continuity achieved whether on-campus or online
- Students are given opportunities to learn to be discerning in their use of technology and not simply consumers of technology
- Flexible classroom learning spaces
Being a school that is committed to helping students succeed in whatever God wants them to do, Brightwaters Christian College provides wonderful opportunities both during and after-school hours. While students are busy with their academic studies during the school day, their schooling experience will be enriched if they choose to participate in some of our extra-curricular programs designed with the needs of our students at the forefront of our planning.
Our goal at Brightwaters Christian College is to help students to be ready for the future, whatever that will look like. The Stage 4 curriculum covers the eight key learning areas from the NESA syllabus, with an integrated Biblical approach taken in each subject.
What Stage 4 students study:
1. English
Students investigate and study a wider, and increasingly more challenging, range of texts. There will be more focus on English Literature, critical literacy and analysis, and developing sophisticated language skills.
2. Health and Physical Education
Students learn how to take positive action to enhance their overall health, safety and wellbeing, by applying problem-solving and effective communication skills, and through a range of preventive health practices. Students have access to a variety of sport and recreation activities.
3. Human Society and Its Environment
Students will have greater diversity and depth of study in areas such as ancient history, modern history, geography, economics and politics. Students will increasingly move into the world of writing and thinking like young historians, young geographers and the like.
4. Languages
Students will study a language other than English and its culture in more depth, with increased opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills and take advantage of learning opportunities such as external competitions, cultural days and excursions.
5. Mathematics
Students are introduced to new and more demanding mathematical concepts including formal algebra, geometry and various statistical models. They also start stepping out processes using mathematical reasoning and use technologically advanced calculators.
6. Science
Students have greater diversity and depth of study in the biological and physical sciences. They handle and mix chemicals using specialised equipment; use digital measures such as electronic temperature probes connected to computers; and learn about the impact of science on society. Students do more individual work and there is a greater focus on experiments and fieldwork.
7. Creative Arts
Students sample at least one Performance and one Visual subject. The Arts subjects that may be sampled include music, dance, media, photography and visual art. Students will have access to a variety of specialised resources including software suites, musical equipment and audio/video equipment.
8. Technologies
Students study two subjects: Digital Technologies and Design & Technologies. They have a diverse range of learning experiences such as computer science, electronics, robotics, food science, textiles, wood technology and metal technology. Students will use kitchen classrooms, laboratories and workshops with specialist equipment and tools for hands-on practical work.
9. Christian Education
Students learn how God can change lives when people put their trust in Him. They grow in their relationship with, and love for God and explore His calling on their lives. They look at Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration as vital perspectives in every area of learning. They explore both the New and Old Testaments in the Bible to find out how God’s love has been shown throughout generations and how they are part of His Big Story into the future.
You want the very best for your child. And you will find that we do too. To learn more, please book a Campus Tour today.